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Showing posts from May, 2011

Rapidly deplyable wireless mesh networks using layer-3 OLSR routing

Being a Linux monkey and ham radio operator, I just got my "spare" WRT54GL router setup with as a HSMM-MESH node, N5EVD-1.  I find HSMM-MESH interesting since it combines my loves of ham radio, networking and Linux computing.  Already thinking about a Mini-ITX Ubuntu server in a NEMA box with my node ;)  I would like experiment with fixed and mobile Mesh networking for use in future public service and emergency response events.   Also looking at Freifunk Firmware used to build citywide wireless intranets by meshing with layer-3  OLSR routing. Check out

Peppermint Ice

Thinking of moving the Dell Mini 9 back to Peppermint Ice. Peppermint Ice is a derivative of Peppermint One. It replaces Firefox as the default browser with Chromium, as well as replacing Mozilla Prism in favor of Kendall Tristan's Ice SSB. Ice also drops printer support and other minor features in an attempt to be faster and lighter than Peppermint One. Default Ice applications include: Pixlr [Image Editor] Facebook Hulu Last.FM Pandora Seesmic Web The Cloud Player YouTube Google Calendar Google Docs Google Mail Google Reader Locally installed applications: Chromium Web Browser Dropbox Xnoise [Music Management & Player] Ice X-Chat [IRC Client] Transmission [Bit Torrent Client] Release history Peppermint OS uses a hybrid release schedule. Updates are rolled out as needed in a rolling release fashion. Periodically a re-spin is released which incorporates minor bug fixes and recent updates pre-installed. Initial Release July 20, 2010 Respin 10...